Condition and development directions of Polish gastronomic services market

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Edyta Kwiatkowska
Ganna Levytska

In the last years dynamic development of gastronomic services market in Poland as well as in the world is observed. The amount of institution increase as well as incomes. Changes occur in the structure of eating-houses. Costumers from Eastern and Central Europe (including Poland) are more and more similar to costumers from Western Europe as regards personal values, life’s aim and outlooks on life. Gastronomic services are available to an average Pole

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How to Cite
Kwiatkowska, E., & Levytska, G. (2007). Condition and development directions of Polish gastronomic services market. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (63), 135–145.

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