Agricultural tax burden on individual holdings

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Kinga Gruziel

In the paper agricultural tax burden on individual holdings type “dairy cattle” and “granivores”, situated in the regions of FADN Wielkopolska and Śląsk as well as Mazowsze and Podlasie is presented. The greatest amount of agrarian tax is charged on households with area above 25 hectares of the farming type “granivores” from the region of Wielkopolska and Śląsk. The higher relationship between agrarian tax and general level of costs, the financial costs and the incomes from the family agricultural household confirm the greater charging of the smallest-surface agricultural farms with the agrarian tax, within the both farming types

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How to Cite
Gruziel, K. (2008). Agricultural tax burden on individual holdings. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (69), 17–29.

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