Changes in the Structure of Sown Area in Poland in the years 1996–2007

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Ewa Wasilewska

The paper presents changes in structure and area of sown of main agricultural products, including: cereals, industrial and fodder plants in the years 1996–2007. The author states, that cereals predominated in the structure of sown area and that decreasing tendency of sown area of potatoes occurred, what is the result of animal output intensification, mainly pigs. The decrease of sugar beets sown area was also observed, chiefly as a result of limited demand for sugar in recent years. The increase of sown area of industrial plants occurred, in particular rape and agrimony. The reason of that tendency is an increase of using rape and agrimony for technical purposes, mainly for biofuel production.

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How to Cite
Wasilewska, E. (2008). Changes in the Structure of Sown Area in Poland in the years 1996–2007. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (71), 123–135.

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