The extent of open and hidden unemployment in rural areas and ways of reducing it

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Jan Hybel


Prices of basic agricultural and food products in several UE countries were analysed. The analysis comprises:

-farm-gate prices and their trends, factors influencing the level of prices, including CAP,

- prices of basic food products (industry and wholesale level),

- retail prices for food.

Basic price ratios (farm-gate - wholesale, retail) have been examined. In respect to producer-retail ratio the following issues have been tackled:

- differences in marketing margins in various countries,

- changes over time in marketing margins for a given product,

- marketing margins for different products,

- impact of marketing margins on the level of retail and product,

- marketing margins for different products,

- impact of marketing margins on the level of retail and producer prices.

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How to Cite
Hybel, J. (1995). The extent of open and hidden unemployment in rural areas and ways of reducing it. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (1), 169–182.


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