Changes in Structure of Land Utilisation in Poland in the Years 1988-1996

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Jan Hybel

The research comprises analysis of the following issues: 1. Change in structure of farms by area, 2. Change in acquisition of land by both public and private sectors, 3. Change in structure by area used for the principal crops. Analysis of the above mentioned issues was based on the results of general census of agricultural holdings carried out in 1988 and 1996. In the period under study, the following results have been found: * Much decrease in utilized agricultural area; * Increase in area of uncultivated land and fallow; * Reducing number of private farms; * Considerable increase in average area of holding as well as more extensive sowing structures of crops.

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How to Cite
Hybel, J. (1997). Changes in Structure of Land Utilisation in Poland in the Years 1988-1996. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (31), 5–13.

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