Changes in Polish Foreign Trade in Cereal and Animal Products in the Years 1992-1998
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The general objective of this paper has been to present the changes in foreign trade of Poland in cereal and animal products over the years 1992-1998. Throughout the analysed period Poland operated on foreign markets as a net importer of cereals and processed cereal products. The exceptional large import of cereals occurred in 1996. As far as foreign trade in livestock, meat and processed meat products is concerned, since 1992 Poland has a positive balance, mainly due to favourable terms in export of cans, sausages, park and poultry meat to farmer Soviet Union republics. A positive balance was kept in trade in milk and processed milk products. In the period under consideration, Poland was achieving a positive balance in animal product trade with the European Union countries, farmer Soviet Union republics, whereas the negative balance was observed in trade with the USA and the CEFTA countries.
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How to Cite
Hybel, J. (2000). Changes in Polish Foreign Trade in Cereal and Animal Products in the Years 1992-1998. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (38), 57–64.
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