The Economic Importance of Sheep Production in the World

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Bogdan Klepacki
Tomasz Rokicki


Sheep were domesticated because of the flexibility in using sheep in order to produce meat, milk, wool, skins and fertilizer. The importance of sheep production has been decreasing recently particularly due to the decrease in the demand for wool in the 80-ties. The importance of sheep production is high in the countries with a high level of sheep stock (China, Australia and New Zealand). The stock is not the only factor influencing sheep production. The level of meat or wool production is also affected by other factors like the breed structure of the stock. Sheep production has a long tradition. The economic factor is the main factor of sheep production growth. Sheep production growth is related to the production profitability.

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How to Cite
Klepacki, B., & Rokicki, T. (2005). The Economic Importance of Sheep Production in the World. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (57), 85–92.

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