Rural Tourism as a Tool of Reviving Rural Areas

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Krystyna Krzyżanowska

The paper concerns with economic and socio-cultural aspects of rural tourism development. By presentation of cultural heritage of Ziemia Łowicka, the attempt was made to explain to the potential suppliers of tourist services the need for learning and extending these values amongst attending tourists. The recognition of this fact constitutes one of the important factors determining successful service activity. The strengthening and recovering cultural identity of village should be accompanied by measures in the field of protection both natural environment and landscape. Therefore, the good solution of this problem is promoting the concept of alternative tourism, which will be not only economically effective but also environmentally, culturally and socially friendly.

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How to Cite
Krzyżanowska, K. (2000). Rural Tourism as a Tool of Reviving Rural Areas. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (41), 223–232.

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