Development of Market Services for Horticultural Farms in the Period 2001–2006

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Dawid Olewnicki

Development of market services in horticulture, both production and indirectly production type services depend on many factors. First of all these are economical factors like farm size, level of farm specialisation, labour availability and intensification of production. In connection with that there were made an attempt of development assessment as well as demand for production and indirectly production services for horticultural farms on the basis of farmers opinion pull. The survey shows relationship between the size of the horticultural farm and amount of services ordered by agricultural or horticultural holdings as well as between the size of the horticultural farm and types of requested services. Analysis of the market services in agricultural and horticultural sector for the period 2001–2006 in Poland also was presented in the article

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How to Cite
Olewnicki, D. (2009). Development of Market Services for Horticultural Farms in the Period 2001–2006. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (73), 155–163.


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