Współczesny kontekst dla rozważań o etyce gospodarowania

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Krystyna Najder-Stefaniak

Author calls attention that economic operations always happen in certain civilization and cultural context. It offers capability, it inspires for definite manner of world and human being awareness and formulating assessments. It prompts purposes and operation methods. It imposes rhythms and melodies on times. Two different answers to situation of turning-point XX and XXI century are culture of temporariness and ecological culture. They present two different contexts of reflection and economic operations. Author describes specificity of these contexts. By giving the prospect of future and past up one loses a sense of liability and one gives up an ethical prospect of activity. The context of ecological culture causes, that we perceive economic activity of person as involved into social and natural systems of entities. It inspires to forecasting, designing and choosing the form of the future

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Jak cytować
Najder-Stefaniak, K. (2006). Współczesny kontekst dla rozważań o etyce gospodarowania. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (59), 5–20.

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