Public relations instruments in creating an image of the non-governmental organizations

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Ewa Jaska
Agnieszka Werenowska

Keywords : non-governmental organizations, public relations, Polish Humanitarian Organization, image
Social communication, including activities in the area of public relations (PR), plays an important role in the functioning of any organization, including non-governmental one. By interacting, it influences the development of certain attitudes in society and the perception of the organization. The aim of the study is to present PR tools used by the non-governmental organizations in dealing with the environment for building the image. In June 2015 a survey was carried out (141 people) to define the effectiveness of PR instruments used by the nongovernmental organizations and knowledge of the image of the selected non-governmental organization, i.e. the Polish Humanitarian Organization (PHO). The article presents the PR tools used by the PHO in the process of creating an image. The specificity of the non-governmental organizations determines the choice of image creation tools. Out of many available instruments, both in traditional and modern terms, personal interviews and training were the most important in terms of shaping the image. For building the external image the most important were website and organized events.

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How to Cite
Jaska, E., & Werenowska, A. (2017). Public relations instruments in creating an image of the non-governmental organizations. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (118), 81–93.

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