The Polish Tobacco Market in the Period 1990–2006

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Agnieszka Borowska

In the world about 100 countries produce tobacco. The major producers are China, India, Brazil, the United States, Turkey, Malawi and Zimbabwe. They together produce over 80% of the worlds’ tobacco. In the fact, only China accounts for over 35% of world production. FAO projected that world tobacco production is over 7,1 mln tones in 2010. The number of smokers will increase mainly due to expansion of the world’s population. By 2030 there will be at least another 2 billion people in the world. Cigarettes account for the largest share of manufactured tobacco products, 96% of total value sales. Asia, Australia and the Far East are by far the largest consumers (2715 billion cigarettes), next the Americas (745 billion), Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Economies (631 billion) and Western Europe (606 billion). In Poland one of the most important branches is the tobacco industry. The cigarettes are the main part of polish production and consumption. Analysis of changes in production and consumption of tobacco products, especially cigarettes shows in the whole period 1990–2006 changing trends. In the last years it shows the distinctly growing trend of production of cigarettes and small stabilization of consumption

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How to Cite
Borowska, A. (2009). The Polish Tobacco Market in the Period 1990–2006. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (73), 125–141.

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