Ocena spożycia żywności w Polsce w nowych warunkach ekonomiczno-społecznych

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Barbara Kowrygo
Krystyna Rejman
Ewa Świstak

Market oriented reforms of Polish economy bad positive effects on food consumption, namely the increase of fruit, vegetable and fish consumption, the decrease of sugar consumption and also the improvement in the structure of consumed fats. On the other hand, among the observed negative effects there was the decrease in consumption of milk and milk products as well as in eggs and meat. Summing up, these changes caused deterioration of the nutritional value of the average daily diet, particularly as regards the contents of calcium, vit. A, C, B2, B 1 and animal protein. In some household the deficit reached 20-50 per cent in relation to the RDA. The worst food consumption indexes were observed in the households of workers and the unemployed. The food expenditures still constitute a considerable part of the Polish household budgets and in 1995, on the average, they amounted to 40 per cent of total expenditures. Recently, however, a slight declining trend has been noted due to the adjustment of the structure of expenditures to the rising prices of non-food items and services.

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Jak cytować
Kowrygo, B., Rejman, K., & Świstak, E. (1997). Ocena spożycia żywności w Polsce w nowych warunkach ekonomiczno-społecznych. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (29), 5–16. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.1997.29.1

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