Service quality and satisfaction factors of fast food services in the light of customer and employee surveys

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Monika Świątkowska
Dagmara Stangierska
Yauheniya Ulyanitskaya

Keywords : choice factors, customer loyalty, gastronomy, fast food
The aim of the study was to compare the consumers’ choice and satisfaction factors with provided services and product quality on the example of a fast food restaurant chain. Based on the research of both clients and employees, attempts were made to clarify which factors affect the customers choice and satisfaction and staff in this type of gastronomy. It was found that both for customers and employees, the most important factors in the selection and satisfaction of the gastronomy services are the taste of the offered products, the time of order fulfillment and location. High importance for customers also has a favorable price relationship to the quality of the offered dishes. The differences observed are most closely related to the assessment of the service aspects, which are assessed above by the staff. Customers in their opinions show rationalism, their opinions are stronger polarized and the differences between the most important and least important factors are very clear. Employees tend to consider both the choice and satisfaction factors more broadly, which is reflected in the smaller differences in evaluations of individual factors.

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How to Cite
Świątkowska, M., Stangierska, D., & Ulyanitskaya, Y. (2017). Service quality and satisfaction factors of fast food services in the light of customer and employee surveys. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (119), 181–193.

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