Use of public relations tools by managers

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Agnieszka Werenowska
Tomasz Duczek

The activity of public relations includes among others: cooperation with the media, building the company’s identity, the organization and participation in various events (such as sponsorship, charity), lobbying activities in favour group of interest, maintaining appropriate relations between the company and the public (contacts with local communities, organization of seminars) and so called internal PR (aimed at employees in companies). The findings of the research, carried out in 2008 among the management staff in Kolporter Group, are presented in the study. The article concerns the use of public relations tools in the company and the attempts to determine their conscious use by the management staff. Some forms of public relations, possible to use in the company, were presented

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How to Cite
Werenowska, A., & Duczek, T. (2010). Use of public relations tools by managers. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (80), 49–59.

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