Multi-stage direct costing in a selected enterprise

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Bogdan Klepacki
Ilona Dziedzic-Jagocka
Edyta Piątek

This article presents the assumptions of direct costing and its importance in shaping the prices of manufactured products. The article discusses the results of the costs analysis and attempts to implement direct costing in a selected company. Research has proven that this method should not be applied to all enterprises. The main issue hindering the implementation of direct costing, and at the same time disqualifying it in the selected enterprise is the fact that a substantial portion of the costs associated with the production process are either indirect or fixed costs, thus being not sensitive to changes in production level.

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How to Cite
Klepacki, B., Dziedzic-Jagocka, I., & Piątek, E. (2015). Multi-stage direct costing in a selected enterprise. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (109), 27–42.

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