Marketing Determinants of New Products Development in Cereals Sector Companies

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Hanna Górska-Warsewicz
Monika Świątkowska

Keywords : new product development, marketing conditions, promotion, brand
The aim of this study was to analyze selected marketing conditions of introducing new products into market in cereals sector companies. Special attention was given to promotional and branding activities. Empirical research was conducted via computer assisted telephone interviews in project POIG.01-14-041/12 of European Regional Development Fund. The research sample of 200 companies was selected due to the size of companies: 20% of the sample were micro-companies, 30% small companies, 30% medium size companies, and 20% large companies. This study refers to the data concerning the marketing determinants of new products development and introduction into market in the cereals sector. Introducing new products concerned mostly bread and the like – 90% of the companies stated so. The highest expected effectiveness of promotional activities was noticed in the case of advertising in purchasing places, price promotion and degustation. The brand was the most important from the point of view of maintaining consumers, company development, improving sales, as well as possibilities of gaining new consumers.

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How to Cite
Górska-Warsewicz, H., & Świątkowska, M. (2015). Marketing Determinants of New Products Development in Cereals Sector Companies. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (111), 43–60.

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