Changes in housing conditions and their assessment - opinion of surveyed households in the lubelskie voivodeship

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Krystyna Gutkowska

During macroeconomic changes that took place in Poland since 1989 the conditions of life of a significant part of Polish households were radically transformed. In order to diagnose the reaction of these households to the macroeconomical changes empirical studies were conducted with the use of a theoretical model describing the behaviour of households in changed socio-economic reality. The described model - as shown in this paper - can be used also in order to interpretation the changes and their conditions in the case of the housing status of Polish families. In accordance with the results of the conducted analysis the changes and their assessment as well as the le vel of satisfaction regarding housing needs depend on specific socio-economic and demographic variables as well as the level of satisfaction regarding needs for furnishing and equipment which is especially characteristic for urban households.

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How to Cite
Gutkowska, K. (1998). Changes in housing conditions and their assessment - opinion of surveyed households in the lubelskie voivodeship. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (32), 21–33.


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