Marketing internetowy produktów żywnościowych w Polsce

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Wojciech Pizło
Marcin Lesicki

The article is aimed at giving the assessment of marketing actions carried out in the marketing environment on the market of foodstuff. The comparative and descriptive methods, as well as the method of descriptive statistics have been used in the paper. The research period covers the years 2004–2010. In the article the essence of the product in e-marketing has been presented, paying particular attention to the needs which are being met by consumers in digital economy – the necessity to study megaproducts covering the whole range of consumers’ needs. Further various strategies pursued by business in the Internet relating to a product, including the influence of different products on human senses have been presented. The article describes the development of services provided by the Internet in the countries of the European Union and the percentage of online buyers by gender groups. It has been noted that foodstuff sold as food products is only 1.3% share of sales and paid attention to the survey comparing the time spent by consumers to buy food through the Internet.

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Jak cytować
Pizło, W., & Lesicki, M. (2012). Marketing internetowy produktów żywnościowych w Polsce. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (100), 63–74.

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