Polish consumers’ expectations towards information on the packaging of beef

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Katarzyna Cieszyńska
Krystyna Gutkowska
Jerzy Wierzbicki
Sylwia Żakowska-Biemans

Keywords : consumer expectations, quality, information on packaging, information on label
In Poland, meat is sold mostly in unpackaged form. However, due to the changing needs of the clients who look for convenience, packaged beef is gaining popularity. Consumers become more interested in the information placed on the packaging. According to the research, the consumers are willing to read information concerning the quality class of the meat, as well as the price. Moreover, the clients pay attention to the quality labels and potential influence of the beef consumption on their health.

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Cieszyńska, K., Gutkowska, K., Wierzbicki, J., & Żakowska-Biemans, S. (2015). Polish consumers’ expectations towards information on the packaging of beef. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (112), 33–46. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.2015.112.46

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