Selected Aspects of Strategies for Sustainable Development of Agro-Food Sector in the Kampinos Communes

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Karol Krajewski
Beata Bilska
Agnieszka Kołakowska
Monika Świątkowska
Ewa Świstak
Agnieszka Tul

The paper provides an analysis of situation in the main segments of agrofood sector. This analysis represents early stage in preparation of strategy for sustainable development of Kampinos rural communities and protected areas of this region. The purpose of the study required the examination of social situation, agricultural production conditions, technical and economic infrastructure and natural values in Kampinos region alongside the general evaluation of circumstances the Kampinos National Park operates under. The paper presents chosen aspects concerning the development of principal elements of food chain, as follows: farm production, food processing, catering and trade. In addition, it has been suggested that the region's sustainable development directed toward the tourism expansion would guarantee the more appropriate preservation of natural resources together with the progress in agricultural production.

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How to Cite
Krajewski, K., Bilska, B., Kołakowska, A., Świątkowska, M., Świstak, E., & Tul, A. (2000). Selected Aspects of Strategies for Sustainable Development of Agro-Food Sector in the Kampinos Communes. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (41), 211–221.

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